Sunday, June 15, 2008

Friedman's Dream

Milton Friedman used human beings
as experiments for his pet ideology –
free-market global Capitalism
he never let it never enter his head
could he not imagine
the repercussions
on an individual
of his brutal doctrine

capable only of thinking
of a country's citizens
numbering in their millions
a 'detached mass'
he experimented
in a cold inhuman way

in the past we gave the name Nazi
to a person who manipulated
millions to their ultimate deaths
how can this man
be thought any different

Hitler gassed not one individual personally
Friedman shot not one person in the head
but Friedman
via Chile’s military & General Pinochet
put President Allende down

Friedman's agents:
CIA, Henry Kissinger, the Chicago Boys
Chile’s Catholic University
all enthusiastic carriers
of his ideology

Friedman was a monster
of epic proportion
examination of his dialogues
with Pinochet bear this out

the CIA provided torture techniques
for the military to 'practice'
on the citizens of Chile
Brazil, Argentina & more…

tens of thousands were brutally murdered
on the imposition of Friedman's doctrine
with the full knowledge and approval
of Friedman, his Chicago Boys
his professors, his economists

in Chile’
Friedman had a perfectly functioning
public school system privatised
(Socialist – therefore evil)
replaced them
with private 'Charter Schools'
'vouchers' for the poor
health care was privatised 'pay-as-you-go'
kindergartens & cemeteries privatised
social security downgraded
to a punitive private system

with millions unemployed
many on the brink of starvation
thousands of dissenters
were tortured and put to death

Friedman had the gall to call this
the ‘Chilean Economic Miracle’
he used key words & spin to cover
most cruel human experimentation

the whole travesty was achieved by alliance
between: police state, military & US corporations
they waged full scale war on the workers

Friedman’s ‘Economic Miracle’
has today produced for Chile'
one of the most unequal societies in the world
out of 123 countries Chile’ ranks 116

so much for the 'miracles'
of free-market global Capitalism

Friedman loathed the ‘middle-class’
his aim ?
all wealth must rise
to just a handful of 'elites' at the top
with masses of poor, slave-waged
peasants at the bottom

before Friedman decimated
the countries below
they had been showcases
of Developmentalism democracy
Argentina, Chile’, Uraquay, Brazil

all were reduced to basket-cases
by Friedman’s economic doctrine
with 'generous' help
from the CIA, US military
(tips on how to organise a coup)

the result?
the cold-blooded murder
of a democratically elected
much loved president)

Chile’s Catholic University
to its eternal shame, collaborated
provided safe-haven
to professors, economists, graduates
from Chicago's School of Economics
while they 'got on with business'
enforcing the shameful ideology
one must ask -

where was Henry Kissinger ?

what Friedman’s insane
inhuman doctrine has done
is to rape these countries
is to decimate the lives
of countless thousands of poor people
is to reduce the middle-class sectors
to often worse than 3rd world status
while at the same time
enormous, obscene, untold wealth
ever flows upwards to the 'elites' -
to government, military, corporation

the three planks of Friedman's doctrine -
‘free-market capitalism’ are:

1. privatise all publically owned institutions

(public property theft)

2. de-regulation of government

(outsourcing of government business to private corporations - see Halliburton & Blackwater for privatising war)

3. deep cuts in social welfare

(meaning society's most vulnerable are 'cut loose'
to suffer fade away & eventually die)

all this is 'code' for 'small government'
a very admired American concept
meaning – a government should
take no responsibility for anything

if you think about it, these three planks
are a most blatant, outrageous attack
on the human rights of all the citizens
of so called 'democratic' countries

when will the sleeping ones wake ?

Pamela Sidney 2008

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